Orexo is a company built on the principle of innovation, fueled by the interplay between researchers and experts with different scientific backgrounds. Today innovation remains a core focus, as the company continues to develop new products and improved treatments to benefit patients globally.
Orexo has created a workspace with an open minded environment where new product ideas are captured from all across the organization. In our view, transparency and multifunctional interactions are key drivers for establishment of an innovation culture. Orexo strives to initiate product development internally and maintain full control of the development process. However, we are increasingly working with selected external partners who can provide leading and unique expertise in the development programs.
Orexo has created a workspace with an open minded environment where new product ideas are captured from all across the organization
Orexo is a fully integrated specialty pharma company with expert competence in a multitude of scientific disciplines. Our talents are continuously fostered and advanced through individually compiled development plans. With the patient in focus, Orexo’s innovative drug development process is characterized by engagement, flexibility and simplicity.
Project and product ideas are captured from all employees within the organization. All ideas are evaluated and prioritized with regards to e.g. which unmet medical need is addressed, technical feasibility, patentability and commercial potential. This process is enabled by the multifunctional interplay between researchers and experts, and is a key to success.
As a result of an innovative culture, talents and transparent processes, Orexo has been able to create a unique track record of developing proprietary innovative products with significant value for patients and societies around the world. To date Orexo has developed four products, ZUBSOLV®, Abstral®, Edluar® and Diabact®1 which have been approved in multiple countries across the world. Both Abstral and Diabact have become the leading brand in several markets.
1 Divested together with former subsidiary Kibion