
Orexo AB
P.O. Box 303
751 05 Uppsala

E-mail: info@orexo.com
Phone: +46 (0)18 780 88 00

VAT No. 


Visiting address

Rapsgatan 7E, Uppsala, Sweden



The United States of America

Orexo US Inc.
150 Headquarters Plaza
East Tower
Morristown, New Jersey 07960
United States

E-mail: info-us@orexo.com
Phone: +1 (0)855 982 7658

Medical Contacts in Europe

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial the emergency telephone number in your country, or contact your doctor immediately.

Medical Inquiries

For medical inquiries associated with the use of Zubsolv® please contact: medical.info@orexo.com

Adverse Events / Side Effects

To report an adverse event / side effect associated with Zubsolv® please contact: orexosafety@apcerls.com

Medical Contacts in the US

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911, or contact your doctor immediately.

Medical Inquiries/ Adverse Events/ Product Complaints

For questions, medical inquiries, to report an adverse event or product quality complaints associated with the use of Zubsolv® please call toll free number

1-888-982-7658 (8:00am to 5:30pm ET) or 1-913-339-8424 after-hours

You are encouraged to report an adverse event /side effect to the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), visit www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch (link is external) or call 1-800-FDA-1088.