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Our history is paving the way for future success

2013 -

Evolving into a fully-fledged pharmaceutical company


A SOCIAL corporate bond is issued, where the vast majority of the proceeds will be used for refinancing of the old bond issued in 2021.

OX124, a high-dose naloxone rescue medication for opioid overdoses, is filed with the FDA seeking US market approval.


The first exploratory studies in large molecules, such as vaccine, are initiated with good results.


Thanks to the versatile AmorphOX®-technology the pipeline is growing with among others OX640, a nasal epinephrine medication for allergic reactions. The first clinical study is conducted for OX640 which shows positive data when comparing to today´s standard treatment EpiPen®.


In November Orexo announces its next generation drug delivery technology AmorphOX. This powder-based technology was developed to meet the high requirements for rapid absorption and excellent bioavailability in opioid overdose rescue medications. For APIs that are unstable, e.g. due to sensitivity to temperature changes or humidity, AmorphOX contributes to improved stability and shelf life.


The digital portfolio continues to grow with a therapy for treatment of depression, Deprexis®, also developed by Orexo´s partner GAIA and with multiple clinical trials showing its efficacy. Orexo owns the US rights for Deprexis.

Zubsolv® US gross sales since start reached USD 1 billion.


Orexo enters a partnership with GAIA AG, a world leader within digital therapeutics, with the aim to develop a digital therapy for treatment of opioid use disorder worldwide, MODIA®. The partnership enlarges when Orexo acquires the US rights for Vorvida®, a scientifically proven digital therapy for alcohol misuse including alcohol use disorder.


The company wins a multiyear patent battle against the generic company Teva/Actavis securing patent protection for Zubsolv in the US until 2032. Shortly thereafter the company internalizes its sales force.


Orexo joins the UN Global Compact, supporting their principles for a more sustainable world.


After three years in the US, Orexo are selling Zubsolv for more than SEK 480 million and more than SEK 1 000 million gross in total, thereby reaching the first full year in history with profitability.


Orexo divests its subsidiary Kibion, which also includes the product Diabact® UBT.


Orexo establishes a commercial subsidiary in the US and launches Zubsolv, for treatment of opioid use disorder, in September 2013. The launch takes place just ten weeks after the FDA approval.

1995 - 2012

An era defined by complete focus on innovation and R&D


The company issues new shares and Novo A/S enter Orexo as the largest shareholder. With the investment from Novo A/S, the Board of Directors reviews the strategy and creates a vision of establishing a commercial business in the US based on Orexo’s proprietary products.


Orexo´s own developed product for insomnia, Edluar®, is approved and today it is commercialized by Viatris on multiple markets.


The own developed product Abstral®, for treatment of breakthrough cancer, is approved in its first market. More markets will follow and today the product is commercialized worldwide through different partners.


Orexo is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange.


New owners contribute with financing and several development projects are started.


The company´s first own developed product Diabact UBT, for diagnosing of the gastric ulcer bacterium Helicobacter pylori, is approved in its first market. More markets will follow and today Diabact UBT is commercialized worldwide through different partners.


Orexo is founded with a vision to develop improved pharmaceuticals, fulfilling unmet patient needs. This is done by optimization of the properties of well-documented substances in combination with Orexo’s innovative drug delivery technologies.