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Board committees

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee represents the company’s shareholders. It has the task of creating the best possible basis for the General Meeting’s resolutions regarding the election of Board members and Board fees and with submitting proposals concerning, for example, the appointment of auditors and auditors’ fees. 

Nomination Committee for the AGM 2025, respresenting approx. 34 percent of the number of votes in the company as of August 31, 2024.

  • Henrik Kjaer Hansen, (chairman, appointed by Novo Holdings A/S)
  • Claus Berner Møller, (appointed by ATP)
  • Stefan Hansson, (private investor) 
  • James Noble, (chairman of the board of Orexo)



Audit Committee

Orexo’s Audit Committee is primarily concerned with ensuring compliance with established principles for financial reporting and internal controls. The Audit Committee must also remain informed about the audit of the Annual Report and consolidated accounts, inspect and monitor the impartiality and independence of the auditor, paying particularly close attention to instances where the auditor provides the company with services outside the scope of the audit, and assist in the preparation of proposals to the General Meeting in respect of auditor selection. 

At least one of the members of the Committee must be independent in relation to the company and Executive Management, and also be independent in relation to the company’s largest shareholders and have accounting or auditing expertise.

The Audit Committee currently comprises of 

  • Christine Rankin (chairman)
  • James Noble
  • Staffan Lindstrand



Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is tasked with addressing matters concerning salaries and other terms of employment, pension benefits and bonus systems, including any allocation of employee stock options and share awards under the terms of approved incentive programs for the President and the senior executives and managers, as well as remuneration issues of principle nature. The Committee shall meet as often as required. The above issues are addressed by the Committee and the Board makes resolutions on the basis of the proposals from the Committee. 

The Remuneration Committee currently comprises of

  • James Noble (chairman)
  • Christine Rankin
  • Staffan Lindstrand