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Focus area

Responsible business

The focas area's vision: Responsible business based on trust, transparency, integrity and no tolerance for corruption is central to all our activities and a foundation for our sustainability work.

Operating in the pharmaceutical industry and marketing a controlled substance carry great responsibilities and Orexo has no tolerance for non-compliance. Unethical business behaviors can result in drugs being over-prescribed, misuse of products, and unscrupulous marketing. Orexo strives to do the right thing and to be transparent at every level of the value chain. Performance is not only about results, but also how they’re achieved.

Responsible employees

Ensure ethical behavior among all employees and board. 

  • 100% completion of Code of Conduct training
  • 100% completion of sustainability program training

  • 100% completion of Code of Conduct training 
  • Ongoing development of Sustainability training

Responsible supply chain and procurement/sourcing

  • Material suppliers1 have ethical standards consistent with Orexo’s
  • Material suppliers1 have sustainability processes in place

1. Supplier for commercial supply and other strategic deliveries

  • 100% of material suppliers1 have a Code of Conduct or embrace Orexo’s Supplier Code of Conduct
  • 100% of material suppliers1 have an approved sustainability assessment


1. Supplier for commercial supply and other strategic deliveries

  • 84% material suppliers1 and 100% of commercial suppliers2 have a Code of Conduct or embrace Orexo’s Supplier Code of Conduct
  • 91% of all material suppliers1 and 100% of commercial suppliers2 have an approved sustainability assessment

1 Supplier for commercial supply and other strategic deliveries
2 Supplier in commercial supply or approved for commercial supply

Transparency and reporting

Orexo is known as a transparent company

  • Completion of annual sustainability report and UN Global Compact report

  • Annual sustainability report and UN Global Compact COP report are completed

of employees has completed the Code of Conduct

84%1 and 100%2
of Orexo's suppliers, respectively, embrace the supplier CoC

1Supplier for commercial supply and other strategic deliveries with completion of initial sustainability evaluation

2Supplier for commercial supply with completion of extended sustainability evaluation