On March 13, 2024, Orexo issued new senior secured callable floating rate social bonds of an amount of SEK 500 million and with a tenor of four years. The new social bonds carry a floating rate interest of 3-month STIBOR + 650bps per annum and the net proceeds will be applied in accordance with the principles set out in Orexo’s social financing framework, including but not limited to, refinancing of Orexo’s existing senior unsecured callable floating rate bonds of SEK 500,000,000 with maturity in February 2025 (ISIN SE0015193958) and financing or refinancing permitted acquisitions or investments under Orexo’s social financing framework.

For legal documents and social financing framework documents, view here:

Notice of early redemption

Terms and conditions


Tender Information Document - Social Bonds

ESG Questionnaire

Social Financing Framework - Second Party Opinion

Social Financing Framework



On February 4, 2021, Orexo issued senior unsecured callable floating rate bonds  amounting to SEK 500 million, under a framework of SEK 1,000 million with final maturity in February 2025. The new bonds carry a floating rate interest of 3-month STIBOR + 375bps per annum. The proceeds from the new bonds will be applied towards repayment in full of the existing bonds and general corporate purposes, to further strengthen the company's capacity and flexibility for future investments.

For legal documents, view here:

Notice of early redemption

Notice of Waiver from Nordic Trustee & Agency AB



On November 13, 2017, Orexo issued a four-year senior unsecured bond loan in an amount of SEK 325 million, within a framework amount of SEK 500 million, due in November 2021. The bond loan has a floating interest rate of STIBOR 3m +4.50 per cent per year (quarterly payments in arrears). The prospectus in relation to listing of the bond on Nasdaq Stockholm can be found here:

Conditions - Redemption of senior unsecured bonds


Prospectus regarding issue of a corporate bond


Prospectus regarding new issue

Supplementary prospectus regarding new issue


Prospectus regarding initiation of Orexo AB share trade due to acquisition of Biolipox


Prospectus regarding Initial Public Offering