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Key figures and certain other operating information per share are deined as follows:

Capital employed Interest-bearing liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Debt/equity ratio Interest-bearing liabilities divided by shareholders’ equity

Earnings before net financial items and tax, the same as Operating earnings

EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. EBIT plus depreciation
Earnings per share, before dilution Net earnings for the period after tax divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding after dilution during the period
Equity/assets ratio Shareholders’ equity as a percentage of total assets
Gross Revenues

Grand total of all invoiced sales transactions reported in a period, without any deductions

Gross to net ratio Net Revenues divided by Gross Revenues
Investments Value of an investment before depreciation
Net debt Current and long-term interest-bearing liabilities including pension liabilities, less cash and cash equivalents
Net earnings PeriOperating Earnings plus Net Financial Items plus tax
Net financial items Financial revenue minus financial cost
Net Revenues Gross Revenues less deductions for sales rebates, sales allowances, distribution, sales returns and other relevant deductions
Number of shares after dilution Shares at the end of the period adjusted for the dilutive effect of potential shares
Operating expenses A non-capital expense incurred in daily operating activities
Operating margin Operating earnings as a percentage of net revenues

Return on shareholders’ equity

Net earnings for the period as a percentage of average shareholders’ equity
Working capital Current assets less current liabilities
Zubsolv net revenue Revenue net of discounts and returns