Orexo’s partner Gesynta Pharma has announced phase II study results from the OX-MPI (GS-248) project
Uppsala, Sweden – September 9, 2022 – Orexo’s partner Gesynta Pharma, who owns all the rights to OX-MPI (GS-248), has recently announced the results from the exploratory phase II study in patients with systemic sclerosis. According to Gesynta Pharma, OX-MPI (GS-248) was tolerated well by patients and showed a good safety profile. A potent systemic inhibition of the target enzyme mPGES-1 was also displayed. However, no significant effects on the patients’ symptoms could be demonstrated.
Going forward Gesynta Pharma will continue to build on the positive data from the study and develop OX-MPI (GS-248) in a direction that helps people suffering from other diseases with a large treatment need, such as endometriosis.
For more information please view Gesynta Pharma´s press release attached here.